Oomega 3 on toidulisand geelkapslites. See aitab kaasa normaalsele südametalitlusele ja aitab säilitada normaalset ajutalitlust.
Panaxi Ginseng ehk ehk tuntuim Korea Ženženn on kõige tuntum taim, mis on oluline energiatootmiseks.
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Lisa võrdlusesseTavahind: 15,00 €
Soodushind 13,50 €
Pantothenic Acid is a dietary supplement in the form of capsules containing pantothenic acid that naturally increases energy production.
Pyruvate is a nutrient that plays a major role in processes, which are controlling the production of energy in the body.
Quercetin by Haya Labs is a unique product with multiple benefits for the overall health. The supplement contains natural ingredients and has no reported side effects.
Quercetin is a unique product with multiple benefits for the overall health. Bromelain is a dietary supplement with 100% content of bromelain enzyme, which helps to build lean muscle mass, improves digestion and stimulates immune system.
Tavahind: 29,90 €
Soodushind 26,90 €
Quercetin is a unique product with multiple benefits for the overall health. Bromelain is a dietary supplement with 100% content of bromelain enzyme, which helps to build lean muscle mass, improves digestion and stimulates immune system.
R-Alpha Lipoic Acid is a supplement that perfectly supports the glucose management in the human body.
HAYA Labs Resveratrol põhineb mitmeaastastel taimedel, mida tuntakse Jaapani hanheinana (Polygonum cuspidatum), mis on pärit Ida-Aasiast.
Rhodiola Rosea Extract kasutatatkse adaptogeeni ja toniseeriva vahendina lihastele ja närvisüsteemile.
Rutin tabs by is a nutritional supplement with a high content of rutin – a flavonoid, found in nature, which strengthens the blood vessels and regulates blood pressure. There are many natural sources of rutin, but Rutin is based on Saphora japonica flowers, also known as Japanese pagoda tree, which is one of the 50 main herbs in traditional Chinese medicine.
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Lisa võrdlusesse
SAMe is a complex product with many benefits which can be vital for the proper function of the body. It can be easily classified as a supplement for the overall health because of the wide specter of positives its supplementation brings.
Siberian Ginseng is a new product on the market – it contains an extract of Siberian Ginseng – one of the most powerful adaptogenic herbs known up to date. The supplement is a very useful agent in the fight against stress – physical as well as mental, as it has the ability to improve the overall health of the human body.
Haya Labsi Teacrine on tipptasemel toidulisand, mis kasutab TheaCrine'i, TheaCrine'i patenteeritud vormi jõudu, et suurendada teie tervist, elujõudu ja jõudlust. Täpselt ja pühendunult loodud Teacrine tõotab olla mängu muutja, mida olete oma tervisereisil oodanud.
High-quality supplement with 100% content of Tribulus Terrestris extract. This herb stimulates the body’s production of the male hormone.
High-quality supplement with 100% content of Tribulus Terrestris extract. This herb stimulates the body’s production of the male hormone.
Haya Labs Triple Mushroom Complex on kombinatsioon kolme tüüpi seentest – Shiitake, Maitake ja Reishi.
TUDCA is the new star in the world of functional medicine and is rapidly advancing as a leader among supplements due to its many benefits including brain health, liver health, mitochondria and cellular support.
Turkesterone is a dietary supplement for real experts. The formula provides powerful results beneficial during a mass gaining cycle when you dream of muscle growth. You will also feel the effects of Turkesterone during a reduction – faster fat loss is guaranteed!
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Lisa võrdlusesse
Ultra Omega 3 is a high-quality supplement in gel capsules with powerful anti-inflammatory action. It helps the functioning of the cardiovascular system and stimulates brain function.
Ultra Omega 3 is a high-quality supplement in gel capsules with powerful anti-inflammatory action. It helps the functioning of the cardiovascular system and stimulates brain function.
HAYA LABS Ursolic Acid is an innovative formula containing ursolic acid, a natural compound with potent active properties, which prevents muscle tissue breakdown, strengthen bones and stimulates the burning of fat in a natural and safe way.
Tavahind: 13,90 €
Soodushind 10,50 €
Kasutage Ashwagandha jõudu.
Tavahind: 18,90 €
Soodushind 13,85 €
ICONFIT Premium Q10 Koensüüm ehk ubikinool on organismis esinev ensüüm, mida leidub igas inimorganismi rakus. See on vajalik energia tootmiseks ning südame-veresoonkonna ja lihaste normaalseks talituseks.
Tavahind: 9,90 €
Soodushind 7,29 €
ICONFIT COGNICON on komplekstoode, loodud toetamaks kognitiivset talitlust ja vaimset jõudlust. Toode on mõeldud kasutamiseks mälu säilitamiseks vananedes või suurenenud vaimse stressi ja töökoormuse ajal, aidates säilitada selget mõtlemist, mälu ja fookust.
Tavahind: 10,90 €
Soodushind 7,60 €
ICONFIT L-CARNITINE koos CLA ja Rohelise Tee Ekstraktiga, et toetada kaalulangust rasvhapetest energia tootmise kaudu.
Tavahind: 11,90 €
Soodushind 8,75 €
ICONFIT L-CARNITINE koos CLA ja Rohelise Tee Ekstraktiga, et toetada kaalulangust rasvhapetest energia tootmise kaudu.
Tavahind: 9,90 €
Soodushind 7,29 €
ICONFIT Maca on looduslik supertoit kapslis, mida Peruu rahvas on kasutanud juba sajandeid. See taim toimib loodusliku hormonaalse tasakaalustajana, pakkudes olulist kasu nii meestele kui ka naistele. Kapslid mõjuvad positiivselt libiidole ja viljakusele, suurendavad füüsilist vastupidavust ning annavad kehale jõudu ja energiat. Toote valmistamisel kasutatakse ainult kõrgeima kvaliteediga taimseid kapsleid.
Tavahind: 7,90 €
Soodushind 6,00 €
ICONFIT Maca sisaldab palju kasulikke toitaineid nagu Omega3 ja Omega9 rasvhapped, aminohapped, vitamiinid ja mineraalid.
Tavahind: 7,90 €
Soodushind 5,89 €
ICONFIT Omega-3 on tõhusat lahendus südame ning aju tervise toetamiseks, koosnedes hoolikalt valitud olulistest rasvhapetest. Iga pehmekapsel sisaldab optimeeritud koguses 180 mg EPA (eikosapentaeenhapet) ja 120 mg DHA (dokosaheksaeenhapet)