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OstroVit D.A.A. 3000 90caps

Availability: In stock


OstroVit D.A.A. - D-aspartic acid

Aspartic acid is an organic chemical compound from the group of endogenous protein amino acids. It participates in the biosynthesis of many compounds in our body, and is also one of the products of the citric acid cycle, commonly known as the Krebs cycle and gluconeogenesis (glucose biosynthesis). Aspartic acid is an active compound in the very center of the brain - the pituitary gland. It causes the release of FSH (follicle-stimulating), LH (lutropin) and growth hormone. It can also accumulate in the testicles where it relieves the limitation of the rate of testosterone synthesis, which leads to an increase in its production.


The DAA D-aspartic acid product is an ideal supplement for all those who want to increase their physiological testosterone level, increase the regeneration and efficiency of the body underestimated by many. Aspartic acid increases our natural testosterone levels, improves sexual performance by increasing libido and increases self-confidence.

  • Supplementation will increase the level of the main male hormone - testosterone
  • Effective libido increase!
  • Regulates the synthesis of hormones in our body
  • Constant supplementation allows you to increase muscle mass
  • It improves cognitive skills - it supports the process of memorizing, learning and concentration
  • Ideally supports regenerative processes after hard training

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