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OstroVit Braintus Focus 90vcaps

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OstroVit Braintus Focus - comprehensive dietary supplement

Guarana seed extract - extract from the seeds of a tropical plant native to the Amazon Rainforest, which is a climbing shrub with woody lianas. Guarana is popular primarily because of its high caffeine content - the plant's seeds contain more of the valuable ingredient than coffee, tea or yerba mate.

L-tyrosine - an endogenous amino acid, which in the human body is formed from another amino acid, which is phenylalanine. Tyrosine can also be supplied to the body with high-protein products, such as meat, fish or dry legumes.

L-theanine- an organic chemical compound belonging to non-protein amino acids. It is a glutamine derivative that easily crosses the blood-brain barrier. It occurs naturally in the "L" configuration in the leaves of Camellia sinensis, which is why green tea is considered to be the main source of the compound.

Whole plant extract of bacopa monnieri- extract from a perennial climbing plant included in the plantain family, which naturally occurs in wetlands and swampy areas.

Ashwagandha root extract - extract from the root of a plant belonging to the Solanaceae family, also known as sluggish vitania or Indian ginseng. Ashwagandha root is characterized by an intense smell and a wealth of valuable substances - it is primarily a source of withanolides, alkaloids and withaferin A.

Rhodiola rosea root extract - extract from the root of a plant belonging to the Crassulaceae family, also known as arctic root.

Choline bitartrate - an organic chemical compound, a vitamin-like substance, considered to be a nutrient similar to amino acids, which, in small amounts, can be naturally synthesized in the human body.

Ginseng root extract - extract from a plant of the Araliaceae family. It is a raw material that occurs naturally primarily in China and Korea. It is a wealth of valuable substances, and the most important compounds obtained from the plant include ginsenosides.

Vitamin B6 - pyridoxine - water-soluble component, belonging to vitamins of group B. The compound can be found primarily in whole grain cereals, as well as in offal and dry seeds of legumes.

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