Beta-alanine is an organic chemical compound classified as ergogenic substances. It is a laboratory modified isomer of a natural amino acid found in nature, which is alanine. After consumption, it is used in the production of carnosine, which acts as an acid buffer in the body. Carnosine stored in muscle cells is released in response to a decrease in pH (hydrogen ions), i.e. regulates their acidity. A larger amount of carnosine in the muscles allows for longer training sessions.
The supplement that is a precursor of carnosine synthesis increases muscle endurance and allows you to perform additional repetitions during strength training. It is also perfect for people who practice sprints or rowing. Beta-alanine has a number of beneficial properties:
ATTENTION! The product shows strong hygroscopic properties (strongly absorbs moisture). The formation of clumps or uniform (compact) consistency is not a sign of loss of product properties. In this case, the product should be shredded again.
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