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OstroVit Braintus Respawn 90vcaps

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OstroVit Braintus Respawn - comprehensive source of valuable ingredients

Magnesium - a chemical element with the symbol Mg. The mineral component, which is classified as a macronutrient. In the human body, it is stored mainly in the bones and muscles. Whole grain cereal products, as well as seeds and nuts are considered nutritional sources of magnesium.

Lemon balm leaves extract - extract from an herb belonging to the Lamiaceae family which, although native to southern Europe, is currently cultivated all over the world. The most commonly used raw material is lemon balm leaves, which are distinguished by their rich composition and the presence of essential oils.

Hops cone extract - extract from the cones of a perennial plant from the hemp family. The culinary qualities of hop cones were discovered in antiquity, and then the fruit of the plant was appreciated in herbal medicine, making hop cones currently used both in brewing, as well as in the pharmaceutical industry or dietary supplements.

L-theanine - an organic chemical compound belonging to the non-protein amino acids. It is a derivative of glutamine, which easily crosses the blood-brain barrier. It naturally occurs in the L configuration in the leaves of Camellia sinensis, so green tea is considered the main source of the compound.

Pantothenic acid - vitamin B5 - B vitamin, which is a water-soluble substance. The best sources of the compound are considered to be meat and offal, as well as whole grain products, dry pulses and eggs.

Ashwagandha root extract - extract from the root of a plant belonging to the Solanaceae family, also known as withania somnifera or Indian ginseng. It is a substance classified as an adaptogen, which is readily used as an ingredient in dietary supplements.

Zinc - a chemical element with the symbol Zn. It is a mineral element, classified as a micronutrient, which in the human body is found primarily in skeletal muscles and bones. It is a substance that can be found in a wide variety of foods, and red meat, poultry, dry pulses, nuts and whole grain cereal products are considered the main sources of zinc.

Vitamin B6 - pyridoxine - a water-soluble component that belongs to the B vitamins. The compound is found primarily in whole-grain cereal products, as well as in offal and dry pulses.

Melatonin - hormone, a tryptophan derivative that occurs naturally in the human body. A substance produced in the central nervous system by the pineal gland. The synthesis and secretion of melatonin in the body is enhanced by darkness, while light inhibits the course of processes.

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