tk - 0,00 €


Tabel  Nimekiri 

  1. Power System Balance Air Disc
    21,00 €

    Täis puhutud massaažipadjal tekib ebastabiilne pind ja kui selle peal kas istuda, seista või isegi lamada, sunnib see töötama väikeseid lihaseid, mis tavaliselt ei tööta ja mida on võimatu pumbata isegi jõusaalis.

    Lisa võrdlusesse
  2. Power System Balance Ball 2 Ropes

    Tavahind: 87,90 €

    Soodushind 61,53 €

    Power System Balance Ball 2 Ropes is an inflatable dome with an option to attach exercise power cords on the sides.

    Lisa võrdlusesse
  3. Power System Balance Pad Physio
    32,90 €


    Perfect for your daily Yoga or Pilates workouts, this extra-large, soft balance trainer will make your squats, lunges, push-ups, knee lifts and single leg balancing exercises more challenging, taking your fitness routine to the next level. Use barefoot, with socks or trainers and get maximum results from your workouts.

    Lisa võrdlusesse
  4. Power System Balance Trainer Zone

    Tavahind: 89,90 €

    Soodushind 62,90 €

    Tasakaalupall on poolik pall, mis aitab arendada tasakaalu, tugevdada keha stabiliseerivaid lihaseid ning aktiveerides aju ja jalgadetöö vahelist koostööd.

    Lisa võrdlusesse
  5. Power System Barbell Pad Large
    19,90 €


    Power System Barbell Pad designed to protect your neck and back during exercises.

    Lisa võrdlusesse
  6. Power System Barbell Pad Medium

    Tavahind: 12,00 €

    Soodushind 8,40 €


    Power System Barbell Pad designed to protect your neck and back during exercises.

    Lisa võrdlusesse
  7. Power System Battle Rope 12m
    99,90 €

    A 100% Nylon Battle Rope Set that includes EVERYTHING you need for a KILLER abs, arms, shoulders, back, and legs workout with cardio conditioning to burn away the fat!

    Lisa võrdlusesse
  8. Power System Belt Bag Fit Mate

    Tavahind: 10,00 €

    Soodushind 7,00 €


    The POWERSYSTEM BELT BAG FIT MATE is a comfortable and ergonomic sports case, ideal for workout.

    Lisa võrdlusesse
  9. Power System Belt Bag Gym Mate
    9,00 €


    The POWER SYSTEM BELT BAG GYM MATE is a convenient and ergonomic sports bag perfect for workout or daily use.

    Lisa võrdlusesse
  10. Power System Belt Bella Power Black

    Tavahind: 44,90 €

    Soodushind 31,40 €


    Power System Belt Bella Power ideal for weight lifting, body building, cross fitness or for any general fitness workout where you need back support and encourages proper form.

    Lisa võrdlusesse
  11. Power System Belt Dipping Beast
    27,00 €


    The POWER SYSTEM Dipping Beast is made of a very durable nylon material. This belt is complemented by a chain of high-quality steel, which can be used to attach the load to more effective workout.

    Lisa võrdlusesse
  12. Power System Belt Elite Edition Black
    35,00 €


    Power System Fitness Belt ELITE nahast tõstevöö, mis on mõeldud jõusaali treeninguteks. Tõstevöö fikseerib lülisamba ja selja asendit, lisab stabiilsust ning aitab ennetada vigastuste teket. 


    Lisa võrdlusesse
  13. Power System Belt Full Power Red
    64,90 €

    Praktilisel jõusüsteemil Full Power on kiirelt lukustuv hoob ja see on ideaalne tarvik igale jõusportlasele. 100% veisenahast valmistatud materjal tagab vöö pikaajalise vastupidavuse ja tugevuse nõudlike kükkide ja jõutõstmiste ajal. Praktiline keeratav lukk lihtsustab vöö kinnitamist ja lahtivõtmist.

    Lisa võrdlusesse
  14. Power System Belt Neo Flex
    16,00 €

    Weight lifting belts are ergonomically designed to provide firm & comfortable lumbar support during any kind of strength training.

    Lisa võrdlusesse
  15. Power System Belt Neo Power Red
    15,00 €


    Our weightlifting belt has been designed for maximum performance, comfort and great looks. With a 15 cm. wide, ultralight, flexible support panel, our weight belt provides the ideal degree of support while allowing full range of motion for use during exercise execution.

    Lisa võrdlusesse
  16. Power System Belt Neo Power Yellow
    15,00 €

    Our weightlifting belt has been designed for maximum performance, comfort and great looks. With a 15 cm. wide, ultralight, flexible support panel, our weight belt provides the ideal degree of support while allowing full range of motion for use during exercise execution.

    Lisa võrdlusesse
  17. Power System Belt Power Basic
    18,00 €


    Power System Belt Power Basic ideal for weight lifting, body building, cross fitness or for any general fitness workout where you need back support and encourages proper form.

    Lisa võrdlusesse
  18. Power System Belt Power Black
    29,00 €


    Power System Fitness belt POWER BLACK 100% natural and strong buffalo leather for heavy training.

    Lisa võrdlusesse
  19. Power System Belt Powerlifting
    33,00 €

    This double prong leather lifting belt is made with advanced materials for a soft and comfortable feel.

    With advanced rivets to prevent popping.

    Lisa võrdlusesse
  20. Power System Belt Predator Camo
    16,00 €


    Our weightlifting belt has been designed for maximum performance, comfort and great looks. With a 15 cm. wide, ultralight, flexible support panel, our weight belt provides the ideal degree of support while allowing full range of motion for use during exercise execution.

    Lisa võrdlusesse
  21. Power System Belt Strong Femme Pink
    33,00 €


    This weight-lifting belt is unmatched and unpretentious leather material flawlessly aids in squats, powerlifting, deadlifts, clean and jerks, snatch, bodybuilding, crossfit and more.

    Lisa võrdlusesse
  22. Power System Belt Stronglift Red
    59,00 €


    They are made from leather and give excellent support when lifting.

    Lisa võrdlusesse
  23. Power System Belt Stronglift Yellow
    59,00 €

    They are made from leather and give excellent support when lifting.

    Lisa võrdlusesse
  24. Power System Belt Womans Power Tõstevöö, Lilla
    15,00 €


    Power System Fitness Belt WOMENS POWER tõstevöö, mis on mõeldud jõusaali treeninguteks.

    Lisa võrdlusesse
  25. Power System Bench Blaster Ultra Blue

    Tavahind: 26,00 €

    Soodushind 18,20 €

    Great tool for all lifters wanting to add pounds to their bench press.

    Lisa võrdlusesse
  26. Power System Bench Blaster Ultra Grey

    Tavahind: 26,00 €

    Soodushind 18,20 €

    Great tool for all lifters wanting to add pounds to their bench press.

    Lisa võrdlusesse
  27. Power System Bench Towel Woman

    Tavahind: 8,00 €

    Soodushind 5,60 €

    Bench Towel Woman - on treeningrätik on valmistatud kiiresti kuivavast ja erakordselt suure imavusvõimega mikrofiibrist.

  28. Power System Booty Band (Treeningkumm - Heavy) Level 1
    9,90 €


    PowerSystem BOOTY BAND tekstiil kummilint tuharatele ja reitele! Sobib reie- ja õlavarrelihaste tõhusaks treenimiseks, taastusraviks, enne treenimist soojenduseks ning puusade ja liigeste ümbritsevate lihaste aktiveerimiseks, et suurendada vastupidavust ja jõudu. Materjali siseküljel olevad silikonist libisemisvastased ribad hoiavad silmuse treeningu ajal paigas. PowerSystem BOOTY BAND aitab puusa tugevdamisel ja põlvedel kükkimise ja surumise ajal.

    Lisa võrdlusesse
  29. Power System Booty Band (Treeningkumm - Light) Level 3

    Tavahind: 11,90 €

    Soodushind 8,30 €


    PowerSystem BOOTY BAND tekstiil kummilint tuharatele ja reitele! Sobib reie- ja õlavarrelihaste tõhusaks treenimiseks, taastusraviks, enne treenimist soojenduseks ning puusade ja liigeste ümbritsevate lihaste aktiveerimiseks, et suurendada vastupidavust ja jõudu. Materjali siseküljel olevad silikonist libisemisvastased ribad hoiavad silmuse treeningu ajal paigas. PowerSystem BOOTY BAND aitab puusa tugevdamisel ja põlvedel kükkimise ja surumise ajal.

    Lisa võrdlusesse

Tabel  Nimekiri 
