Why the 8:1:1 ratio is better than the mass products with a classic 2:1:1 ratio? Because of the amino acid metabolic signalizing and absorption competition once ingested in the body. In this case, the excess quantity of isoleucine means vastly inhibiting the leucine activity. As you are well aware, the leucine is the most effective amino acids from the three BCAA and that’s why products containing 10,15 or even 20 grams of 2:1:1 BCAA actually can be less effective than those with the ideal ratio and lesser isoleucine as it is in Cryo Cell.
Training Fuel
The glutamine is a core amino acid for every intra workout solution. Stacked with the BCAA in Cryo Cell the glutamine reduces the muscle breakdown during strenuous physical activities. The key function with it is that this amino acid makes the resynthesis of glycogen better. That is why it is a |
”must have” in such compositions. Without glycogen, we wouldn't have “muscle fuel” to keep up the training whatever the aim is.
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