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Swanson Alpha Lipoic Acid 600mg 60caps

Get high-powered antioxidant protection and nutritional support for healthy carbohydrate metabolism with our most potent alpha lipoic acid supplement ever!

Availability: In stock



  • Well known for its ability to rejuvenate other antioxidants like vitamins C and E
  • Provides uniquely effective support for healthy metabolic processes
  • Favorite among anti-aging regiments!

Get high-powered antioxidant protection and nutritional support for healthy carbohydrate metabolism with our most potent alpha lipoic acid supplement ever! Alpha lipoic acid is a powerful free-radical fighter well known for its ability to rejuvenate other antioxidants like vitamins C and E. At higher intakes, it provides uniquely effective support for healthy metabolic processes. Our convenient capsules deliver a potent 600 mg of this valuable nutrient to accommodate even the most demanding nutritional regimens.


As a dietary supplement, take one capsule one to two times per day with water.



Other ingredients: Gelatin, calcium laurate, microcrystalline cellulose (plant fiber), silica.

Customer Reviews

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Oksüdatiivne stress ja selle möötmine Review by Jaan Vogelberg, MD
Alfa lipoic acid on üks uuema pölvkonna antioksüdantidest, mis erinevalt "vanadest" nagu E-vitamiin etc. peaks jöudma lähemale mitokondritesse, sinna, kus ülemääraseid peroksiide tekib.
Kindlasti on üks töhusamaid vahendeid, kui kehas on oksüdatiivne stress normist körgem. Näiteks Tallinna Happy Aging kliinikus näeme sageli mitmekordselt normi ületavat taset noorepoolsetel tegusatel väliselt tervetel inimestel, Pöhjus vöib olla nii geneetikas (saab testida) kui ka näiteks suitsetamises vöi stressis. Oksüdantide taset saab vereanalüüsi abil mööta ja sellisel juhul on ka kindlasti pöhjendatud uuemate antioksüdantide kasutamine. Kuna alfalipoiinhappe farmakokineetika on kiire, siis tuleks teda vötta vähemalt kaks korda päevas. (Posted on 12/22/2023)

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