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Haya Labs Magnesium Citrate 200g

Magnesium helps produce more energy in cells, speeds up metabolism, stimulates the functions of the nervous, muscular and circulatory system

Availability: Out of stock



  • Helps bone growth
  • Improves blood circulation
  • Improves the functions of the nervous system

Magnesium helps produce more energy in cells, speeds up metabolism, stimulates the functions of the nervous, muscular and circulatory system.

Active physical and mental stress significantly increases the body's needs of magnesium, as the mineral is involved in the distribution of nerve cell signals and in the production of protein.

Magnesium plays the role of electrolyte and its intake after training is a prerequisite for restoring the electrolyte balance.


One dose: 1 level teaspoon (3g)
Recommended use: Take one dose daily
Pack size: 66


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