Uncaria tomentosa is a South American herb well-known as Cat’s Claw. Haya Labs Cat's Claw helps the organism in conditions like diseases of the stomach and intestines, of the respiratory system and the female’s reproductive system. The supplement supports the body in cases of prostatitis and pancreatitis.
Haya Labs Cat's Claw has strong antioxidative properties which protect the cells in our bodies from the destructive influence of the free radicals, which occur in the environment (UV rays, toxic substances in polluted air and cigarette smoke), or are due to emotional stress, breathing, digesting, sports activities and sleep.
Thanks to the contemporary science studies today we know the main beneficial phyto ingredients of Cat’s Claw bark and they are namely: alkaloids, glycosides, polyphenols, triterpenes, and plant sterols. They have powerful antioxidative and immune system stimulating effects. They also decrease cholesterol levels and blood pressure and have the ability to support the cardiovascular system.
A.H. Tammsaare tee 89
E-R: 11-19
L: suletud (kuni 01.09.2024)
P: suletud