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  1. Tootja: Swanson



Tabel  Nimekiri 

  1. Swanson Pantesin Pantethine 300mg 60 softgels
    33,90 €

    Swanson Pantesin Pantethine supports healthy lipid levels already within the normal range through safe and effective nutrition!

  2. Swanson Pau d’Arco (Sipelgapuu koor) 100cap
    14,50 €


    Handy capsules deliver 500 mg of pure extract of Pau d'Arco bark.

    Lisa võrdlusesse
  3. Swanson Phosphatidylserine 100mg 30 softgels
    19,90 €

    For mental nourishment and brain health, try Swanson Phosphatidylserine!

  4. Swanson Policosanol 20mg 60caps

    Tavahind: 13,50 €

    Soodushind 9,50 €

    Derived from a sugarcane base, our BioCosanol® policosanol is recognized as the world's finest policosanol source, featuring the ideal ratios of octacosanol, triacontanol and hexacosanol for promoting heart-healthy lipid levels already within the normal range.

    Lisa võrdlusesse
  5. Swanson Policosanol 20mg 60caps (Parim enne: 02.2024)

    Tavahind: 13,50 €

    Soodushind 4,05 €

    Derived from a sugarcane base, our BioCosanol® policosanol is recognized as the world's finest policosanol source, featuring the ideal ratios of octacosanol, triacontanol and hexacosanol for promoting heart-healthy lipid levels already within the normal range.

  6. Swanson Potassium Citrate 99mg 120caps
    9,90 €

    Kaaliumtsitraat on toidulisand, mis on kergesti seeditav kaaliumiallikas - oluline mineraal kõigis organismides.

  7. Swanson PQQ Pyrroloquinoline Quinone 20mg 30vcaps
    17,00 €

    PQQ eelised hõlmavad terve mitokondriaalse struktuuri ja funktsiooni toetamist, et aidata säilitada tervislikke vaimseid funktsioone.

  8. Swanson Prebiotic Jerusalem Artichoke-90% Inulin 400mg 60caps (Parim enne: 11.2024)

    Tavahind: 8,90 €

    Soodushind 6,20 €

    This herbal supplement has been used traditionally for gastrointestinal health, digestive health and overall wellness.

    Lisa võrdlusesse
  9. Swanson Prostate Essentials 90vcaps (Parim enne: 07.2024)

    Tavahind: 28,90 €

    Soodushind 11,60 €

    Prostate Essentials on ainulaadne vitamiinide, mineraalide ja ürtide kombinatsioon, mis aitab säilitada eesnäärme normaalset toimimist.

  10. Swanson Psyllium Husks 625mg 60vcaps
    16,50 €

    Psyllium Husks is a pure and natural dietary fiber.

  11. Swanson Real Food Vitamin K2 200mcg 30 softgels
    18,00 €

    Out of thirteen different subtypes of vitamin K2 that have been identified, menaquinone-7 has shown great promise for promoting bone strength and cardiovascular health, thanks to its role in regulating calcium transport.

  12. Swanson Resveratrol 250mg 30caps
    16,50 €

    Resveratrol põhineb mitmeaastastel taimedel, mida tuntakse Jaapani hanheinana (Polygonum cuspidatum), mis on pärit Ida-Aasiast.

  13. Swanson Resveratrol Complex 180mg 60caps (Parim enne: 09.2024)

    Tavahind: 16,90 €

    Soodushind 8,50 €

    Resveratrol Complex põhineb mitmeaastastel taimedel, mida tuntakse Jaapani hanheinana (Polygonum cuspidatum), mis on pärit Ida-Aasiast.

  14. Swanson Sea Cucumber 500mg 100caps

    Tavahind: 25,90 €

    Soodushind 18,10 €

    Sea Cucumber used for centuries in China as a valuable source of nourishment for joint health, sea cucumber is rich in chondroitin sulfate and other important nutrients for joint tissue maintenance.

    Lisa võrdlusesse
  15. Swanson Selenium 100mcg 200caps (Parim enne: 12.2024)

    Tavahind: 11,50 €

    Soodushind 8,00 €

    50-ndate aastate lõpuks peeti seleeni mürgiseks elemendiks, kuid nüüd on see tuntud kui  mikroelement, mineraal ja antioksüdant.

    Lisa võrdlusesse
  16. Swanson Sleep Essentials 60vcaps
    14,90 €

    This advanced formula combines melatonin, taurine, and GABA with nature's most effective relaxing herbs, including passion flower, valerian, chamomile, skullcap and hops.

  17. Swanson Spirulina 500mg 180tabs
    18,90 €

    See sinivetikas on tohutult täisväärtuslik toit, mis sisaldab antioksüdantset tuge beetakaroteenist ja fükotsüaniinist, vabade radikaalidega võitlevast antioksüdantist.

  18. Swanson St. John's Wort with Chamomile and Bacopa 3 in 1 Formula 60caps (Parim enne: 11.2024)

    Tavahind: 7,50 €

    Soodushind 5,30 €

    St. John's Triple Complex with St. John's Wort, Bacopa and Chamomile, three of the most recognized herbs for comforting the mind and promoting a positive perspective.

    Lisa võrdlusesse
  19. Swanson Sulforaphane from Broccoli 60vcaps
    12,50 €

    Sulforafaan on antioksüdant, mis võitleb seedetrakti oksüdatiivse stressiga.

    Lisa võrdlusesse
  20. Swanson Sunflower Lecithin 1200mg 90 softgels
    25,90 €

    Sunflower Lecithin is an excellent source of nourishment for your body and mind.

    Lisa võrdlusesse
  21. Swanson Super Stress B-Complex with Vitamin C 100caps
    22,50 €

    This vitamin B complex features crucial B vitamins like niacin, folate and B12 combined with immune-supporting vitamin C for a stress-busting immune support combination formula fit for whatever life throws at you.

  22. Swanson Triphala 500mg 100caps (Parim enne: 10.2024)

    Tavahind: 13,90 €

    Soodushind 9,70 €

    With Swanson Triphala you will find how easy it is to cleanse your body without causing debilitation.

    Lisa võrdlusesse
  23. Swanson Turmeric & Black Pepper 60vcaps
    12,90 €

    Juba iidsetest aegadest on India ajurveeda ravimtaimed kasutanud kurkumit loodusliku südame-veresoonkonna ja maksa tervise toonikuna ning liigeste mugavuse ja liikuvuse edendamiseks.

    Lisa võrdlusesse
  24. Swanson Turmeric & Bromelain 60caps (Parim enne: 12.2024)

    Tavahind: 12,90 €

    Soodushind 9,00 €

    The combination of turmeric and bromelain just makes good sense.

    Lisa võrdlusesse
  25. Swanson Turmeric 720mg 100caps
    9,50 €

    Ohutu, loomulik tugi maksa ja seedetrakti talitlusele.

    Lisa võrdlusesse
  26. Swanson Turmeric, Ashwagandha & Ginseng Complex 60caps

    Tavahind: 19,90 €

    Soodushind 13,90 €

    Don't let stress compromise your health—be prepared with our Turmeric, Ashwagandha & Ginseng Complex.

  27. Swanson Type I Hydrolyzed Marine Collagen 400mg 60caps
    14,90 €

    Kollageen on juuste, naha ja küünte tervise, luude toitmise ja liigeste toetamise põhilisand.

    Lisa võrdlusesse
  28. Swanson Ultimate Ashwagandha KSM-66 250mg 60vcaps
    15,90 €

    Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) aitab teil vähendada stressi taset, vähendades kortisooli tootmist ja seda määratakse sageli kroonilise stressiga patsientide raviks.

    Lisa võrdlusesse
  29. Swanson Urinary Tract Essentials 60vcaps (Parim enne: 11.2024)

    Tavahind: 32,50 €

    Soodushind 22,70 €

    Finally, an all-in-one formula for nourishing and defending every aspect of our urinary system!

    Lisa võrdlusesse
  30. Swanson Valerian Chamomile Hops 60caps
    10,50 €

    Tired of being tired all the time? Get the rest you need with this relaxing herbal blend.

Tabel  Nimekiri 
